If you get a chance to look at some un-minified javascript code on Github or other, you might see a leading semicolon before the opening IIFE closure or a library or script: ;(function () {})(); Notice the first character, the semicolon? This looks pretty bizarre, but it’s used to prevent other poorly formed scripts from...Read More
Infinite scrolling plugins do waaaay too much, especially if you’re already using Backbone.js. Seriously, look at the configuration options for Paul Irish’s plugin (one of the most popular infinite scroll libs). I wrote a simple plugin that notifies you when you’ve scrolled to the bottom of a particular dom element. It’s called jQuery.bum-smack: for when...Read More
This article was cross-posted from Medium. One of the best decisions I made in 2016 was to find an employer that made something that I loved. It’s provided me with a life-changing sense of work fulfillment and I’d like to encourage you to do the same. Seeking purpose outside of work Back in 2016, I...Read More